We have launched EmpowerED for Student Success!


Mesa Community College

“I am a displaced employee of a major bank. I worked for that bank for 26 years then was summarily displaced. I found myself in the unfamiliar job market. I had many job skills, which was great, but I knew that to be competitive I needed to have a degree on my resume. The automated manufacturing and robotics have always been an interest to me, and I almost enrolled in a similar degree program when I lived in New York years ago, but life sidetracked me, and I enlisted in the Marine Corps. This scholarship allows me to take on a larger credit load even with my fixed and limited income. It also puts me on track to be the first in my family to earn a college degree. This will be my second semester and I am currently maintaining a 4.0. GPA at Mesa Community College. Thank you so much for providing this scholarship.”