Fall 2025 Scholarships Are Now Open!

Foundation Update January 2023

Foundation update the new initiatives issue January 2023

Support Student Success By Donating Your Vehicle


Person handing over car keys

The Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation is partnering with Flexco Fleet Services* to provide a vehicle donation program giving you another way to make a charitable gift and help students along the way.

Starting in February, when you donate your car, truck, boat, motorcycle or motor home, a vehicle that you no longer have a need for will instead help fund student scholarships and programs.  Your old car may have seen “better days” but when you donate it to the Foundation, you will have a direct impact on students and receive a 100% tax deductible donation. This is a convenient alternative to selling or trading in your old vehicle and Flexco will do all the work!

GateWay Community College developed this donation program in conjunction with the Foundation and as the first participant in the program, will open the path for all other Maricopa Community Colleges to participate. The Foundation is accepting donations for all ten colleges.

To learn more, or if you have a vehicle you would like to donate, please contact Janet Smail at Flexco Fleet Services via email at [email protected] or fill out the vehicle donation form here.

*With nearly 30 years of experience Flexco Fleet Services has emerged as a market leader in remarketing services. Clients include small fleets to Fortune 500 companies.  They specialize in offering remarketing services and technologies. Flexco is licensed and bonded to remarket vehicles.

Scholarship Allows SCC Student To Pursue New Career


Person with their dog

Michael attends Scottsdale Community College (SCC) with the aspirations of becoming a  screenwriter, after working in corporate America for 15 years. “This has been a huge change for me to jump back into a classroom with hopes of changing my career,” he said.

The scholarship Michael received helps him to relieve some of the financial burden that comes with leaving a career job and becoming a full-time student once again. “I have always prided myself on helping and leading others,” he said. “It is nice to be able to receive the same kind of good will at a time of transition in my life. I will make the most out of this opportunity and truly appreciate the gracious donation.”

To support students like Michael on their educational journey, click here.

Foundation Dashboard Provides Immediate
Access To Analytics


Informational data dashboard charts

The Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation has launched an informational data dashboard as a tool to track, analyze and display data to gain insight into some of the key areas of our organization.

The dashboard will allow the Foundation to:

  • To share data in key performance areas with our internal and external partners
  • To provide insight into our programs and ensure continuous growth of the Foundation
  • To provide quarterly and annually metrics in key areas

To view scholarships (awards and applications), grant acquisitions, emergency assistance and revenue information on the dashboard, click here.  Once on the site, simply click on the topic you’d like to see analytics for and select the proper dashboard from the drop-down menu.

Digital Wallet Payments Now Available For Online Giving


Smartphone as a digital wallet

Studies have shown that digital wallets like Venmo, PayPal, and Apple Pay have eclipsed Visa to become the most popular payment method among donors to educational institutions. At some schools, more donors now give with digital wallets than with Visa, American Express, and Mastercard combined.

That is why the Foundation has added PayPal and Venmo to our online giving platform – to enable donors other options besides debit or credit card payments. Not only is this a service to our donors, it can help to raise more money in support of our students. In the near future, we plan to add Apple and/or Google Pay.

To join the 6 in 10 mobile donors that make their gift with a digital wallet, please visit mcccdf.org/give and take advantage of this safe, fast and convenient donation option!

Create Awareness Of Foundation Scholarships


Did you know that since 1977, the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation has awarded $44.3 million in scholarships to almost 74,640 deserving students, with the average award being $709.78?  Our vision is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives through education and now we have the tools available to help spread the word about Foundation scholarships!

The scholarship toolkit is designed to help those in contact with high school students and their families, reach out through various communications vehicles, to share scholarship opportunities through various communications vehicles including social media, flyers, talking points, newsletter stories and much more.

If you’re a high school advisor, enrollment coordinator, resource development officer or just an interested community member, the toolkit will provide you with everything you need. Wondering where to start? Simply download it here or contact Kelli Gentile, Administrative Coordinator, Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation, at [email protected].

Celebrating Education and the arts on November 16, 2023

Secure Act Provides Opportunity To Diversify Retirement Dollars


Diversify Retirement Dollars

The Secure Act 2.0 offers you a way to give more and get income in return! If you have an IRA and are 70.5 or older, you can create a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) from your IRA assets and receive a fixed income stream for life from the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation. When you no longer need the funds, the remainder of the Annuity benefits the Foundation.

Donors can participate up to $50,000 and can only create an IRA Gift Annuity once in a lifetime. However, if you would like to donate more, you can participate in an IRA Charitable Rollover that will reduce your Required Minimum Distributions and the IRA transfer tax to heirs. The IRA Charitable Rollover can be done yearly and is capped at $100,000 per year and includes the one-time Charitable Gift Annuity amount. Lifetime payments are fixed and are not subject to market fluctuations.

These planned giving options are a great strategy if you want security, are concerned about stock market fluctuations, want to diversify your retirement dollars, or want to give more to the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation in support of their vision that everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives through education.

Learn more about planned giving opportunities by visiting mcccdf.planmylegacy.org or contact Judy Sanchez, Chief Development Officer, Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation at 480-731-8739 or at [email protected].

Pathway to a Degree Hopscotch Game Helps Junior Achievement BizTown® Students Learn About the Maricopa Community College Experience


Degree Hopscotch Game Helps Junior Achievement BizTown® Students Learn About the Maricopa Community College Experience

The Maricopa County Community College District is excited to announce a new sponsorship with Junior Achievement of Arizona BizTown® that introduces fourth through sixth-grade students to higher education and tomorrow’s careers.

Through the Junior Achievement of Arizona BizTown program, elementary school students from across Arizona gain real-world experience by working in teams and making connections between their shared goals while also acquiring essential financial literacy skills, economic concepts, and workplace skills.

As the only higher education institution in the Junior Achievement of Arizona BizTown area, approximately 21,000 students from 300 schools will experience the Maricopa Community Colleges storefront each year.

“According to a 2022 national survey conducted by a third-party, 90% of students who have attended BizTown say that the experience influenced their career choice,” said Anne Landers, Vice President of Strategic Impact for Junior Achievement of Arizona.

Read more.