Fall 2025 Scholarships Are Now Open!

Angie R

GateWay Community College

“I want to work with communities and guide them towards education. “

Angie R. dropped out of school in 8th grade. She did not attend high school and had her first of 5 children at the age of 17. She is a single mother.

At 30, she went back to school. She enrolled originally at Phoenix College but withdrew.

She enrolled again, this time at Gateway CC and got 2 B’s which gave her the confidence to move ahead with her education.

Angie participated in the Gateway Work/Study Program in their Financial Aid Department. She then applied for and was awarded the Nina Mason Pulliam scholarship her last year at the college. She decided she was going to go to ASU, but did not apply for the Nina Mason Pulliam Passport Scholarship because she felt there were others more worthy than her to get it and also felt she had only had it for one year so she wouldn’t be qualified. Eventually, the Scholarship committee contacted her to find out why she didn’t apply – and they made it happen when a spot became available.

Angie spent 3 years at ASU, while still working at Gateway (and raising 5 children) and got her degree in Psychology. She then became a Board Approved employee at Gateway for the Student Services department (Professional Status). She is half way through her graduate degree on Grand Canyon University and now works in Advisement at Gateway and is on the Advisory Board for the Nina Mason Pulliam Scholarship.

Angie is motivated by goals and is not happy if she is not on her way to achieving something or heading towards a goal. Her advice to other students in similar situations is to find what drives you and that failure is not an option. You should have no choice than to be successful.

For the future, Angie says she wants to stay with Maricopa Community Colleges. She wants to work with communities guiding them towards education. She’s passionate about low socio economic areas and wants to make people aware of the opportunities and resources that are available. She feels there is a lot of untapped talent out there and everybody needs to be involved.

GateWay Community College, Nina Mason Pulliam Legacy Scholars Program