Fall 2025 Scholarships Are Now Open!

Caithlyn B.

Mesa Community College

“I’m working toward a goal . . . to one day practice tribal law. “

A poised and articulate Caitlyn talks about her busy life: “I sometimes work 12 hours a day and continue my full-time studies in college because I’m working toward a goal . . . to one day practice tribal law.”

Caitlyn’s family was hit particularly hard by the recession. Her mother lost her job as a medical transcriber, and Caitlyn knew that without scholarships and her own income, she was not going to be able to achieve her lofty goals.

“My dad was the only one working at the time, and my autistic brother needs special care; so, I wanted to be able to lighten the load and contribute to the household expenses, as well as cover my own expenses. I knew that without scholarships, I wasn’t going to be able to continue working toward my dreams.”

Caitlyn was introduced to the ACE program in high school. Initially skeptical about giving up her Saturdays, she quickly saw the advantages. “ACE was great. It showed me how manageable college was and made it less intimidating. And now, instead of being a freshman at MCC, I’m a sophomore . . . it helped me take a giant leap in my education.”

Reflecting on the educational boost she received from ACE and the continuing assistance she receives from MCCF scholarships, Caitlyn sums up her thoughts: “I’m always amazed that there are donors out there that don’t know us, but they generously give and give so that kids like me can make a difference in our community one day!”

Mesa Community College, ACE Campaign Scholarship Fund